Have you ever wanted to buy vintage fur? If you’ve ever been to a secondhand store or an antiques market, you’ll know that there is a huge selection of beautiful furs available for sale. Whether you are an eco fashion warrior who tries to choose secondhand, or a new fur coat is out of budget for you, secondhand furs can be an excellent way to add newness (and warmth) to your winter wardrobe. If you choose to go vintage, then there are a few things you need to consider before making your purchase.

Here are our tips on avoiding moths, dry rot, and tears when shopping for your next piece of vintage fur.
• If the fur has a yellow tinge, then it means it is oxidized. The discolouration shouldn’t turn you off buying a fur if it is a great piece, but it does affect the colour of the pelts. Look for the yellow tinge on the areas that are exposed to the sun, for example the shoulders, and the sleeves.
• If the fur and its leather have a brittle feel, then do not buy it. Fur and its leather should be soft and supple and skins that have dried out or have dry rot tend to be brittle and crunchy.
• Test the leather for dry rot by gently stretching the reverse (leather) side of the fur. (You can usually access this through the lining, and most are open.) The fur’s leather should have some elasticity when you gently stretch it. If you don’t feel any elasticity, then don’t buy this fur because dried-out, brittle leather is more likely to tear or fall apart.
• Check for rips. They can be a sign of bad wear and tear, or again, of dry rot. If there are several rips in the coat, chances are the fur is dried out. Check areas like the arm holes, shoulders, and neckline for rips.
• Is the fur shedding a lot? This could be a sign of moths. Keep in mind that some delicate furs can break (for example rabbit or chinchilla) and most furs shed a little bit, but if there are a lot of hairs coming off the garment, or the hairs are coming out in clumps, then do not buy the coat.
Now that you know the tips and tricks to buying vintage fur, it is time to go shopping!
I recently had to throw out a fur coat that I purchased for 35$ it was 100%rabbit it was shedding when I bought it from my local thrift store I didn’t know that that was not supposed to happen I remember hating to wear it because it was shedding like a cat or dog I know better now I recently turned the heat down in my bedroom so the others won’t dry out I think also because I had a heat treatment in my apartment twice is what made the fur deteriorate even quicker faster I learned my lesson now taking better care on m furs I’m buying a replacement soon and if this one shed’s I’m sending it back asap
Another great idea is to buy a pre-owned fur from furrier. They usually have sales of the traded in items at least once a year, and they will have checked the condition of the garment already.
Excellent suggestion!