Fight Climate Change with Style: Wear Real Fur Not Fake

Fight Climate Change with Style: Wear Real Fur Not Fake


A million people took to the streets around the world, last week, calling on their governments to take action on…
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5 Reasons Why I Support the Canadian Seal Hunt

5 Reasons Why I Support the Canadian Seal Hunt


Two years ago I went to NAFFEM, a large fur trade show in Montreal. I was invited as a blogger, to…
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Animal Rights Agenda Anti-Human, Harms Nature

Animal Rights Agenda Anti-Human, Harms Nature


The animal rights movement claims to be motivated above all by the desire to save animals – each and every one of…
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Mountain Men Wannabes: Allies of the Fur Trade

Mountain Men Wannabes: Allies of the Fur Trade


What is the appeal of the reality TV show Mountain Men, and others in the same genre? If harvesters of…
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Eco-Responsible Fashion

Eco-Responsible Fashion


It’s no secret that fur was one of the hottest trends of the season with a presence in most major…
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Putin’s Leopard and Danish Giraffes!

Putin’s Leopard and Danish Giraffes!


“…Father believed that there was an animal even more dangerous than [humans], and one that was extremely common too: the…
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Lies Activists Tell (#3): The CE Delft Report

Lies Activists Tell (#3): The CE Delft Report


In their attempt to discredit the environmental credentials of the fur trade, activists often cite a “life cycle assessment” (LCA)…
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Lies Activists Tell:  #2 – “University of Michigan / Ford Motor” report

Lies Activists Tell: #2 – “University of Michigan / Ford Motor” report


In our last post, we exposed how activists lie when they claim that the World Bank condemned fur dressing as…
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Lies Activists Tell: #1 – Environmental Impact of Fur

Lies Activists Tell: #1 – Environmental Impact of Fur


The Fur Council of Canada’s Fur is Green campaign clearly caught animal activists by surprise. In their scramble for a…
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Why Is Fur So Controversial and Why Should It Matter?

Why Is Fur So Controversial and Why Should It Matter?


With fur now so prominent on the designer catwalks, in fashion magazines, and on the street, many publications are hosting…
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