Do fur farmers and trappers get a fair price for their products?

Do fur farmers and trappers get a fair price for their products?


  “Yes they do,” says Howard Trager, a fur broker from Montreal. “All the main auction companies in North America,…
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How have foothold traps been made more humane?

How have foothold traps been made more humane?


Over the years trappers have sought to improve their traps so they would be both humane and capture-efficient. Today, foothold…
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How can trapping be used for relocation?

How can trapping be used for relocation?


In some areas, animals that once existed no longer exist and some provincial and federal organizations decided to re-introduce animals…
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Is trapping cruel?

Is trapping cruel?


Answered by biologists. The whole principle of carrying capacity is that if you let animals flood their environment they are…
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