Let’s start our January news roundup with a story that has warmed our hearts: the story of a pair of fur farm vandals being jailed for their crimes. Nicole Kissane was sentenced to 21 months in prison and ordered to pay $423,477 in restitution, while her partner in crime is already serving a two-year sentence. Let this be a lesson to anyone planning on releasing mink and vandalizing fur farms!

In other good activist news, PETA is facing two lawsuits, anti-fur police impersonators are getting in trouble, and activists in the UK are going to be unmasked. If you are unsure about the difference between PETA and HSUS, this educational video (above) will be helpful, and if you need some help wading through the hundreds of lies these organizations use to further their agenda, here is our list of 5 Biggest Lies Animal Activists Tell About Fur.
At least the activists aren’t preventing people buying or wearing fur: these second-generation and fourth-generation furriers are thriving. Meanwhile, if you are looking for a furry baby gift, check out these stuffed animals made of real fur. And celebrities have not stopped donning their pelts, including the Duchess of Cambridge (below) and Puff Daddy. Need some inspiration for your wardrobe? Here are 8 Musicians Who Rocked Some Serious Fur Coats in 2016.

If you are in the market for something a bit more discreet, then how about these mink-lined shoes? Or something a bit more affordable? Here are some fur-lined parkas that won’t break the budget. If you’ve already got a fur collection but you need some tips of taking care of it, then check out our piece about protecting your furs from moths or this article about how to clean “fancy” fabrics.

Our trapper friends will most likely agree with these articles about how trappers aren’t bad guys, the old-fashioned challenges are the lure, and how trapping is about being in the great outdoors. While we are on the topic of wild fur, we were thrilled to hear that Angry Inuk won the People’s Choice Award at this film festival (above) and this Vancouver restaurant is re-opening the debate of the seal hunt, by offering seal meat on its menu.
Chili Dog Anyone?
Farmers have been busy, as usual, dealing with drones that scare their animals and trying to educate their non-farmer friends. And does run-off from mink farms damage marine life? The answer is no.

Let’s end this month’s roundup with a few questions to reflect on:
Is it ok for the general public to dispatch an animal in distress?
Could you survive a power outage in Antarctica?
Is a spicy dog vest the answer to fending off wolves? (above)
I’m glad to hear about the anti-fur criminal activists going to prison + about their GIANT fine (wow!!!) — They’ll be paying it off their whole lives!!! LOL!!! :))
I’m at school so can’t afford much if any real fur, but I/my friends have completely opposing views to stupid anti-fur activists.
No anti-fur ranting on fb/twitter has changed our minds that wearing real fur is cool + for all ages!!!
We mainly accessorize with it or wear it in linings to jackets + boots but would of course buy loads more if we could afford to!!
I’m used to eating “controversial” Halal meat in+out of school,, but seal meat sounds cool!!! What does it taste like?? Are they shipping it to the uk yet??
xx Carol xx (from Sussex England)