We are full on into trapping season, so let’s make that the first topic of our November Fur In The News roundup. Are you out of practice? We love Outdoor Hub’s Introduction to Trapping, and these tips for the upcoming trapping season.
If you are struggling to find animals, maybe head on down to Chicago, which seems to have a bit of a beaver problem.
This is a great article about Making a Living on the Trapline (pictured above), and we love that this trapper has been given an award for his entrepreneurial skills.
Need a bit of trapping history? Read this article about the most famous fur trappers in Arizona.

If the activists are bugging you about traps, show them this video about the true “dangers” of using foothold traps. And if they are bugging you about hunting, show them this amazing infographic about venison donations to food banks. Much tastier than that vegan stuff! Speaking of vegans, here is a vegan story with a very happy ending. This one started eating meat!
While we are on the subject of activism, Greenpeace has backtracked and is now supportive of the seal hunt. Too bad its campaigning in the 1980s has already done so much damage!
Let’s not forget that activists frequently conceal their agenda, which is not about welfare but instead eliminating animal use altogether. This article does a good job reminding us of the distinction.

It has been a busy month over here at Truth About Fur! Our Hypocrite Profile on Pink (pictured above) got a lot of attention, as did Ross Hinter’s piece on whether we should be trapping wolves.
This memoir of 30 years battling animal rights is a story close to our heart, written as it is by our senior researcher Alan Herscovici.
And our latest blog post is about our Christmas competition giveaway. We are giving away six beautiful fur goodies over the next three weeks, and it is really easy to join.

Some other interesting articles that caught our eye … Apparently babies who sleep on fur are less likely to get asthma and allergies.
There were a lot of bizarre fashion laws in history, some involving fur. For example, 14th-century English yeomen and their families could wear no fur other than lamb, rabbit, fox or cat. Even weasel was too good for them!
If you are looking for 21 ways to wear colourful fur, look no further. Or if you are content in your warm, snuggly parka, then this Canada Goose video (pictured above) might inspire you.
Fur belongs on the animals born with it. The coats you are showing are ugly and show contempt for the beautiful creatures slaughtered.