Game of Thrones costumes are dominating fashion media right now, so it’s a good way to start our round-up of fur news from August. Set against a backdrop of ice and snow, the medieval fantasy epic inevitably features lots of furs, but they aren’t necessarily expensive pelts. In fact, some of the capes are made from Ikea rugs! That’s clearly not the case, though, with this spectacular coat (pictured), made from a combination of real fur and fake.
If you aren’t into wearing full-length coats or rugs, then how about accessories? We love these Wild and Woolly fur iPhone cases and are very excited to see that fur shoes are still making waves. In fact, one of the best-known fur brands, known for its spectacular fur accessories, is opening its first San Francisco store.
Animal rights activists have been busy (no rest for the wicked – literally). PETA launched an anti-hunting campaign that backfired on them, they are claiming cheese is a symbol of rape, and they had to apologize for stealing and killing a girl’s pet dog. At a conference this summer, the activists discussed their change of tactics: go after companies instead of individuals, which unfortunately has had some success for them. But they aren’t always able to get much traction outside of the digital world, as this article suggests.
We are frankly fed up with their hateful campaigns and their attack on our rights. They need to be called out for what they are: hate groups.
On the bright side, they sometimes prove to be their own worst enemy. A recent study showed that aggressive vegans make people want to eat more meat, and that one-third of vegetarians eat meat when they are drunk. It’s time to spike their punch!
Trapping Pests

Speaking of bad smells … the skunk population of Fox Valley, Illinois is exploding and low pelt prices are not helping. Concerned about the possibility of rabies, residents are raising a stink. And in nearby Macoupin County, there’s the same problem but with raccoons. Louisiana is dealing with its own pest problem and is looking for trappers to help control the nutria population.
These stories truly highlight the role of the trapper in pest control, but what about conservation? A post on our blog asks whether trappers are conservation’s “black sheep” or unsung heroes.
For History Buffs
Fur trade history stories continue to be in the media, following the celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation in July. This boat is doing a 100-kilometre trip to re-trace the routes from the days of the Canadian fur trade, and the people of Southampton have been celebrating Métis history and its role in Canada’s fur trade history. This trapper reminisces on his trapping days and how it was educational and profitable.
If you’re a history buff then this 19th-century fur trade diary (pictured), recently acquired by the University of British Columbia, is going to be a fascinating read. If you’re interested in historical fashion that’s a bit more accurate than the Game of Thrones costumes, you’ll wish you’d visited this “Fur Trade Fashions” show.

Let’s end by dispelling a few myths for you.
- Myth #1: Furbearers aren’t eaten after their fur is taken. This is absolutely not true, and our latest blog post lists the top 5 tasty furbearers.
- Myth #2: The big animal charities are helping animals who’ve been displaced after Hurricane Harvey. We’ve got reason to believe that the big charities are using the disaster to line their pockets, but not to help on the ground. If you want to help animals, always give to local charities.
- Myth #3: Fur supporters are all conservative. This is an important issue which we tackled in a recent blog post: “Fur fans are conservative AND liberal”. Let’s not alienate our potential friends; leave politics out of the fur argument.
Right on. Heck with PETA after all they kill way more animals than they find homes for. If you want to help animals give to local shelters. PETA is all for the profit not really for the animals. Plus if trappers and hunters weren’t around the animals would get out of hand in number and get hit on the road and starve from the lack of food because the other animals would eat it all up. I was acturally looking to troll some people but I see this article is against PETA and rightfully so.
This show is suppose to take place way back when and fur is what they wore. Not this junk that is not biodegradable and renewable. How long do you think leather takes to break down in a landfill….ok now how long do you think faux fur takes. Yeah a LOT longer.