Let’s start our November news roundup by celebrating the trapping victory in Montana. Bill i-177, which would have prohibited the use of animal traps on public lands, was voted down. Well done Montanans!

In other trapping news, raccoons are part of a legal battle in New Jersey, with animal rights activists fighting against the use of enclosed foothold traps. Did we mention these raccoons are rabid? Let’s hope it doesn’t take a major outbreak of rabies to make this court case go away. Speaking of legal battles, there is one under way in Maine over incidental lynx trapping (see above), whereas in Canada there has been a proposed private members bill to designate May 20 as National Seal Products Day. We love this idea and give it our seal of approval.
As we are full on into trapping season, it’s worth sharing a few good reads from last month. Here’s an interesting piece on the impact of the trade of Amazonian furs in the mid-20th century. Gregory Thompson did a great job giving us tips and advice on maintaining good relationships with the landowners of the land you trap on. And this piece about the use of coyote furs on Canada Goose parkas is also a great read. Lastly, we were thrilled to hear that Neal Jotham got a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Museum of Nature for his central role in the creation and adoption of international standards on humane animal traps used in the fur industry. We also featured him in our blog earlier this year.

Let’s move on to a topic that is a bit more … fashionable. Canada Goose has opened a new store in New York City (see above), and it includes a few fashionable pieces, like a silk parka from a collaboration they did with Opening Ceremony. While the parka sure looks nice, we are pretty sure the main reason why people buy Canada Goose, or any item with fur, is because it is warm. That’s a concept we explored in a blog post, where we discussed the fact that fur is not just for fashion. So if you are looking to keep warm this winter, check out our guide to buying vintage fur, have a look at Lilly e Violetta’s everyday furs, or check out the kangaroo fur shoes that all the celebrities are wearing.
The animal rights activists stooped to new lows last month when one protested a veterans parade to push her vegan agenda, and when this sustainable school got death threats for teaching small-scale family farming. Stella McCartney and Morrissey, two of the most annoying celebrity animal rights activists, also got media attention for harping on about the same old thing, over and over again. We of course loved this article about how vegetarianism and veganism are destroying the planet – it is a good one to read and share. And we explained the truth behind one of PETA’s (many) lies: that fur farming in the U.S. is not regulated.

Some final thoughts …
Do you need Christmas tree decoration ideas? How about decorations made of fur? They didn’t go down too well in this hotel in Munich but we would gladly take the fur fir tree off their hands.
Have you ever wanted to witness the miracle of child birth? Yeah, it’s not for everyone, but we are all about witnessing fawn birth. This video is beautiful.
Our most-shared Instagram post was one of these guys wearing buffalo fur coats (see above). We’re pretty sure you won’t get cold wearing these!
What would you do if your dog ran into a wolf? Most of us would run, but this guy stupidly stuck around to film it. At least it makes for some interesting viewing.
Going out into the woods this season? We loved this handy list of essentials for the wild.
Lastly, it is the holiday season, and that means it’s time to indulge a little. Just don’t end up like this drunk squirrel, ok?
Look at that picture. There is no place in this county where you can look like that. I mean, it’s legal, but if you walk into a store, even Walmart, you will get laughed at, or asked if it’s Halloween. The only compliments will be in jest, even from the hunting folks. Fur is a joke and so are the supporters who overdo it. And let’s be honest, fur is all about overdoing it.
First time I have seen this
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